I Will Wait Bertha Msora: Chapter by Chapter Summary


Act 1 Scene 1 Summary

Atete Rutendoโ€™s home is the first setting of the play. Atete lives in a semi-rural area and is with her niece, her brother Ndarevaโ€™s daughter, when the scene begins. As Atete Rutendo is shelling her peanuts, she calls Rudo to hurry up as she might be left by the bus to Harare where she is to meet up with her boyfriend. Rudo assures Atete Rutendo that the bus stop is not too far and she will be there before the bus leaves.

Atete Rutendo then asks Rudo to tell her about her boyfriend as they wait for the bus. Leo-James Chizema is a lawyer in the city. Atete Rutendo is concerned with whether he has as much money as teachers have. Rudo assures her aunt that it is not the money she is seeking, but all she wants is love. However, Atete Rutendo is concerned with whether money will be enough to sustain their relationship as many people are marrying for money.

Before she leaves, Rudo shares with her aunt what she dreamt of. In the dream, she had been sharing a meal with her late sister Tambu, Tambuโ€™s widowed husband Togara, and Tambu and Togaraโ€™s children Nyasha and Ruvimbo. However, Tambu then vanishes, leaving Rutendo with her children. Atete Rutendo is pensive and reminds Rudo of Tambuโ€™s deathbed wish. Tambu had instructed Togara and Rudo to marry for the sake of the children. Now Rudo tells Atete Rutendo that she does not wish to marry Togara as she does not love the man.

When she hears the sound of the bus, Rudo leaves, and shortly after, Togara arrives. Togara tells Atete Rutendo that the reason behind his visit is because of Tambuโ€™s deathbed wish. He reminds Atete Rutendo that Rudo is of age now since she has finished writing her Oโ€™Levels. Therefore she has to fulfill her late sisterโ€™s wishes in his home. Although Atete Rutendo is apprehensive about this and asks Togara to wait for a while while Rudo pursues her education, Togara insists he will look after Rudo as he is a teacher and is wealthy. All Rudo needs to do is satisfy Togaraโ€™s needs while taking care of her late sisterโ€™s family. After presenting his case, Atete Rutendo promises to present the issue to Rudoโ€™s father, and Togara leaves.

Rudo arrives back with her boyfriend Leo-James whom she introduces to Atete Rutendo. Again Atete Rutendo asks if he earns as much as a teacher. Leo then states the purpose of his visit and tells Atete Rutendo that he intends to marry Rudo in the future, but now he would like the two of them to be engaged before he leaves for a six-month training program abroad. Knowing that she has already spoken to Togara, Atete Rutendo’s worry increases. She tells Leo-James that she will present his case to Rudoโ€™s father and will have a response within a week.

After Leo-James leaves, Atete Rutendo tells Rudo of Togaraโ€™s visit and his intention to have Rudo in his home within a month. Despite crying and telling Atete Rutendo that she wants Leo-James and not Togara, Atete reminds her of Tambuโ€™s dying wishes and her limited choices.


Act 1 Scene 2 Summary

Set in Togara Chamunorwaโ€™s home, this scene concentrates on Togara and his girlfriend Roseโ€™s relationship. Rose enters the scene complaining about Togaraโ€™s commitment to his job. Togara is however not happy with the intrusion and tells Rose to leave his home. Rose refuses to tell him that she has spent four years with him, which is her basis for staying. Togara reiterates that he never paid any bride price for her and therefore he is not legally tied to her.

When Rose leaves the house, Togara begins moving her clothes into his sister, Atete Revayiโ€™s bedroom. His children Ruvimbo and Nyasha interrupt him and ask him what he is doing. He gives them money and they leave. Atete Revayi arrives as Togara is transferring loads of Roseโ€™s clothes. However, she stands by the door, blocking his entrance, and he proceeds to dump the clothes by the door.

Atete Revayi asks if all this is because of Rudoโ€™s pending arrival. When Togara responds that she is coming within a month. Atete Revayi cries out that Tambu has been cruel and stingy and there is no need for Togara to follow the commands of a dead woman. Togara is adamant and tells Revayi that she is free to leave with Rose. Rose returns and the two women stand together against Togara. Togara tells his sister that if she loves Rose, they then can marry each other. When he leaves, Atete Revayi blames Tambu and Togaraโ€™s visit to the Mhondiwas for Togaraโ€™s behavior. She throws a framed picture of Tambu onto the floor and the glass shatters to pieces. Ruvimbo and Nyasha return and seeing the shattered frame sadly begin to pick the pieces of glass from the ground.


Act 1 Scene 3 Summary

The Mhondiwa family home is the setting for this scene. Rudo is cleaning the house, asking herself why she has to get married to Togara when it is Leo-James she loves. In the middle of her lament, Atete Rutendo arrives and bemoans Rudoโ€™s monologue as that of a mad person. Rudo goes on to tell her aunt that she has had two more dreams of Tambu. In both dreams, Tambu has implored her to take care of her surviving spouse Togara and their children. Atete Rutendo is sympathetic, but she has heard the story before and does not say anything further about it.

Atete Rutendo’s visit surprises Sarudzai, Rudoโ€™s mother. They exchange pleasantries and Ndareva, Rudoโ€™s father, also comes out. He is on his way out of the homestead, but Atete has something to tell him. Atete tells Ndareva of Togaraโ€™s intentions. Ndareva is happy and tells Atete that there will be some discussions with the elders. However, Sarudzayi says one month is too short notice, and she needs help with the harvest, but Ndareva insists that will leave too much room for Rudo to go with another man. A quicker marriage is thus better.

When Ndareva attempts again to leave, Atete Rutendo tells him that she has some more news and relays Leo-James’s intentions. Immediately, Ndareva says that cannot happen and tells Atete Rutendo that she is failing in her role. Sarudzai however believes that Rudo should also be given a choice. However, Ndareva disputes that and reminds Sarudzai that Togara has been responsible for financing Rudoโ€™s education. He has also been taking care of the Mhondiwa family financially. Besides, Ndareva says, Leo-James has no intentions of an immediate marriage and Rudo is better off with Togara. When Rudo tries to voice her concerns to her father, Ndareva silences her and almost hits her.

After Ndareva has left, Rudo turns to her mother who is also powerless to go against Ndareva, and tells her daughter to accept her fate.


Act 2 Scene 1 Summary

Set in Leo-James’s home, Rudo and Leo-James are spending time together. It is five days before Leo-James goes overseas and yet he has not received any news from Rudoโ€™s family regarding how to proceed with their relationship. Rudo lies that her parents have been busy. For Leo-James, this is a pity as he cannot take her to the farewell party that his family is organizing. However, he assures her that he still loves her. The two promise each other that they will wait until he returns in June.

When Leo-James asks Rudo to spend the night, Rudo tells him that she cannot because of her fatherโ€™s wrath and strictness. In the end, they exchange photographs and Rudo decides to defy her father and spend the night at Leo-Jamesโ€™s. Leo-James leaves for his farewell party alone.


Act 2 Scene 2 Summary

Rudo sleeps over at Leo-Jamesโ€™s house while he is still at his farewell party. She dreams of Tambu again and awakens in the middle of the night. Again, she pleads with Tambu not to torment her. She hears a car arrive at the house, and it is Atete Rutendo who has come looking for her because her father is angry.

Atete Rutendo tells Rudo that arrangements have been made for her journey to Togaraโ€™s home on Saturday. Rudo expresses to Atete Rutendo that she does not want to go, but Atete Rutendo tells her that it is impossible as the decision has already been made. Rudo is sad and asks what will happen to her relationship with Leo-James. With Leo-James leaving on Friday, Atete Rutendo assures her that it is for the best and that Leo-James might find love overseas. Again, this fails to appease Rudo from her melancholy and she wonders whether she would be expected to have children with Togara to which Atete Rutendo responds affirmatively. Atete Rutendo assures her that she will find traditional herbs to help Rudo prevent pregnancy.

Just then Leo-James comes back and is shocked to find Atete Rutendo there. When he inquires what Rudoโ€™s father said about the engagement, Atete Rutendo lies to him that she has been ill and has not been able to visit Rudoโ€™s father. For Leo-James, it is already too late for the introductions and the engagements. He therefore gives Rudo a wristwatch as a gift and a mini-engagement present.

In the end, Atete Rutendo allows Leo-James to spend the night and the following day at her home and they all leave for Atete Rutendoโ€™s home.


Act 2 Scene 3 Summary

This scene takes place three months after the last scene and things have noticeably changed. Rudo has left her home and is now living with her late sisterโ€™s husband, Togara, who is now also her husband. However, from the beginning of the scene Leo-Jamesโ€™s presence in the house is felt. Rudo display’s Leo-James watch prominently in the new house.

However, despite despising her new role as Togaraโ€™s wife, Rudo is playing her mother role well, taking care of Tambuโ€™s children with love. One day, after she has taken Nyasha to school, Togara enters the room and waits for her to get back. Rudo comes back and she promises Ruvimbo she will attend her sports day at school before Ruvimbo leaves the house. Left alone, Togara tells Rudo that the green cup is for his use only since the cup was given as a present by Tambu. He then leaves for work.

Alone now in the house, Rudo retrieves the letters and cards she has received from Leo-James. Atete Revayi breaks the reminiscence when she enters the room and this forces Rudo to feign a headache and leave the room.

Togara returns with a parcel for Rudo that arrived via post. Rudo returns and Atete Revayi urges her to open the parcel but Rudo knows it is from Leo-James and is reluctant to open it in front of an audience. Left alone again, Rudo opens the parcel and finds a pair of sheets and a letter from her lover. Atete Revayi calls for her from the other room. Rudo accidentally drops a card as she goes to respond to her sister-in-law.

Nyasha finds the card and wants to keep it as a book marker. However, he shows it to Atete Revayi. This piques her interest when she realises it came from Rudoโ€™s lover. She shows Togara the card, but Togara insists that it might be from an old lover.

As Togara leaves in denial, Rose enters and Atete Revayi tells her of Rudoโ€™s shenanigans. Atete Revayi blames a love potion and Rose assures her that there is a way that makes a person vomit love potions. Just then Atete Rutendo arrives and Rudo re-enters. When Atete Revayi gives them space, Atete Rutendo asks how marriage is, to which Rudo has no good words. Atete Rutendo then gives Rudo the parcels, cards, and a letter she has received from Leo-James. In his letter, Leo-James tells Rudo that he is on his way back as his programme has been cut short. He has also sent Rudo some jewellery for her birthday. Rudo is heartbroken as she realises how much she loves Leo-James, but how difficult their love will be.

Ruvimbo then returns from school and Atete Rutendo leaves. As Ruvimbo helps to clear the table, she drops a glass in the kitchen. Rudo rushes to help her. Atete Revayi and Togara enter and find the parcel and card from Leo on the table. They hide the presents and decide to go and see a lawyer. When Rudo returns, she does not find her parcel.


Act 2 Scene 1 Summary

Set in Atete Rutendoโ€™s living room, this scene centers on Atete Rutendo and Leo-James who has just returned from overseas. Atete Rutendo feigns surprise at Leo-Jamesโ€™ appearance, even though she knows he will be back. Leo-James tells her he was longing for his lover, and that is why he came back early. He tells Atete Rutendo that he has been expected to see Rudo, but Atete lies and tells him that Rudo is in Masvingo where she is tending to a sick and hospitalised aunt and the auntโ€™s children.

For Leo-James however, going to work has been difficult. He wants to see his lover first and he asks Atete Rutendo to accompany him to Masvingo. Atete Rutendo lies that she is preparing for a sermon and tries to speak of other things, but Leo-James is adamant. In the end, Atete Rutendo is forced to promise him that she will go and fetch her, and he can come and visit her the next Sunday. Appeased, Leo-James gives Atete Rutendo bus fare and tells her he will come back on Sunday before he leaves. Left alone and conflicted, Atete Rutendo wonders what to do.


Act 3 Scene 2 Summary

Set in Leo-Jamesโ€™s office, this scene is a continuation of the conversation that Atete Revayi and Togara had earlier about seeking legal advice. The siblings wait for the lawyer for a while before Leo-James arrives. They relay to the lawyer the matter that has led them to seek legal advice. Atete Revayi is vocal in describing Rudoโ€™s horribleness as a wife. Togara then shows the lawyer the parcels that his wife has been receiving from another man. Immediately, Leo-James recognises these presents as he is the one who sent them. Atete Revayi also brings out the arsenal of cards and letters that her sister-in-law has received from at least five different men including LJ, Leo, Jimmy, James, and Lee.

Leo-James asks for the pair to relay the whole story to him, and when he realises that Togaraโ€™s wifeโ€™s name is Rudo, he is even more shocked. Togara explains to the lawyer how he came to marry Rudo after his first wife Tambudzai passed away and nominated her younger sister to replace her. Atete Revayi also tells the lawyer that her brother has spent a lot of money educating Rudo. Despite the demonisation of Rudoโ€™s character by Atete Revayi, Togara maintains that Rudo is a wonderful woman.

Dumbfounded, Leo-James continues to ask sensitive questions. He asks if Rudoโ€™s parents and her aunt were aware of the impending marriage to which Togara responds positively. Leo-James also asks if Rudo is pregnant and whether Togara loves her. Togara confesses his love for Rudo and states that it is not a divorce he is looking for but he wants some advice. On the other side, Atete Revayi castigates everything that Rudo is, saying she is not feminine and does not deserve Togaraโ€™s love. However, Leo-James manages to convince them that he would also like to hear Rudoโ€™s side of the story and insists that he sees her in private. As Atete Revayi and Togar prepare to leave, Atete Revayi makes the connection between the lawyer and the letters writer and gift sender, but Togara dissuades her from making unfounded accusations.

After they leave, Rudo arrives in Leo-Jamesโ€™ office. Seeing her old lover shocks her. Leo-James, in the meantime, is reeling from the deceit he has experienced in Rudoโ€™s arms and asks her several times why she has not disclosed the truth. Rudo finds it difficult to say anything and continues to cry. Realising the pain that Rudo is in, Leo-James softens and tells Rudo that even though he loves her, the possibility of a relationship between the two of them is gone and he wishes her luck in her marriage. Just then, Atete Revayi and Togara return, and Leo-James tells them that it has been difficult talking to Rudo as all she does is cry.

Togara comforts his wife, assuring her that he loves her, and escorts her out of Leo-Jamesโ€™ office. Atete remains flabbergasted as to what Togara sees in Rudo.


Act 3 Scene 3 Summary

Set in Togaraโ€™s house, this scene begins with Atete Revayi telling Rose how the visit to the lawyer had been futile and how they failed to get any concrete advice from him. Atete Revayi also laments Togaraโ€™s behavior and tells Rose that her brother has been stupefied. Rose has however brought her some stuff that can make Togara vomit the potion he has allegedly been given. She takes the various powders out of her bag. All these powders have various uses. Some of it makes babies healthier. Other powders induce vomiting, lead to infertility, cause paralysis, and can make a person fall in love. Atete Revayi has also brought another packet but hers is poisonous and deadly. The two women then decide to put vomiting powder in Togaraโ€™s green cup and either the infertility or the paralysis powder in Rudoโ€™s cup.

Just then, they hear Rudo and Togara approaching, and Rose scoops all the packets into her dress. Togara complains of the heat outside and Atete Revayi offers both him and Rudo mahewu to drink. Meanwhile, Atete Revayi has tasked Rose with administering the potions. Because she has to administer them in the presence of both Rudo and Togara, Rose ends up mixing the potions and goes to hand Rudo and Togara their drinks. It is not long before Rudo rises and rushes out of the room to go and vomit and Togara follows. Rose believes that may be because Rudo is pregnant.

When Rudo and Togara get back, Togara tells Rudo that they should go and see a doctor because of her symptoms, but he can act, he is already starting to feel hot. He begins removing his clothing and Atete Revayi castigates him for being careless with clothing. However, his symptoms keep getting worse. Atete Revayi begins to suspect that medication has been interchanged and when Rudo escorts her husband to their bed, Rose confesses that she picked the potions at random. Rudo then flees out of the house for another round of vomiting.

Just then Ruvimbo and Nyasha return from school and Nyasha tries to drink his leftovers but is dissuaded by Atete Revay. Atete Revayi, angry at Rose, begins to collect evidence for the police by emptying the contents of the green cup into an empty bottle. She sends Ruvimbo to go and fetch the priest. But it is too late as Togara is already dead.


Act 3 Scene 4 Summary

In the aftermath of Togaraโ€™s murder, his two children sit and wait impatiently for their stepmother who has gone to court to hear the verdict of the murder case. When Rudo comes back, she is still in mourning and this is seen through her black clothes. The children ask where Atete Revayi is, and Rudo explains that she and Rose have been sent to prison for four and five years respectively for Togaraโ€™s murder. The children do not understand what this means and Rudo chooses to shoo them off to bathe rather than explain everything.

She is alone, unpacking her groceries, when Atete Rutendo arrives. Rudo again explains the court verdict to Atete Rutendo and tells her of the will Togara left for his children which Atete Rutendo finds encouraging. Atete Rutendo then tells Rudo that there is a visitor and Leo-James enters. He passes his condolences, and before he can leave, Atete Rutendo explains to him that though Rudo is still in mourning, she will be released after a year at the kurova guva ceremony. Only then can Rudo decide whether she wants to marry someone from Togaraโ€™s family or she can be freed to marry any man she wants.

Leo-James tells Rudo that he is willing to wait for her. When Rudo registers skepticism, Leo-James does not falter but instead affirms his desire to wait for Rudo. Atete Rudo also confirms this by reminding Rudo of the private engagement party and the watch Rudo still wears. As he leaves, Atete Rutendo is smiling, but Rudo is confused.